Harvard Referencing
Whenever you use a secondary source, such as a textbook, a website, a journal or an image in your work, you must provide a reference so that your tutor knows where it came from. You must make it very clear when you have used someone else’s work. If you do not, then it may be considered to be plagiarism (see the plagiarism guide).
To reference correctly, you must provide an in-text citation immediately next to the information from the secondary source as well as providing a reference list at the end of your work. The reference list may also be called a bibliography, and it is an alphabetical list of all the sources that you have used. Both your in-text citations and your reference lists must be accurate in order for your references to be complete.
In-text citations must always include:
- The author’s surname
- The year of publication for the source
- The page number if you’ve quoted
The reference list format will depend on the type of resource that you are using. Please consult the Guide to Referencing for further guidance.
Remember that the good thing about referencing is that it is only done on coursework assignments, you don’t need to learn how to reference in exams. If you are struggling, it is ok to sit with the referencing guide next to you as you work to remind you when references are needed. But if you feel that you would benefit from one to one support, contact the Librarian, Anysia, to book an appointment.